
Tania Stupnikova
Acrylic on canvas
2 x 16х22 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 90 EUR

Now all Ukrainian artists have an art block. Because you can’t read about Mariupol and go to paint. If you take up the brush – the picture will be difficult and scary – but how else can it be?
Every artist knows that it is impossible to drive pain inside – because then it will come out in seemingly joyful paintings, which will make you want to cry. It is necessary to let go of pain in order to free up even a little space, not even for joy, but for strength to return to normal life.
But I do not want destructive pictures – let what has brought us pain be destroyed, and the future we look to with hope triumph.
By the way, the next day, as I was drawing the ship, our Armed Forces of Ukraine hit a horde ship in Berdyansk.