Sorry, I have nowhere to go home to

Tania Stupnikova
Sorry, I have nowhere to go home to
Acrylic on canvas
60×60 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 595 EUR

I often reflect on the themes of refuge and emigration. Changing your homeland makes you incredibly vulnerable.
I haven’t seen much art that delves into this topic, but it’s something that deeply concerns me. We will never be able to live the same life, even when the war ends, and we will never truly belong here, no matter which country we choose. We can never fully return; there will always be a part of another country within us, an awareness that another life is possible. Our cozy bubble has burst forever, and nothing will ever be the same again. Even when the war ends.
Luckily, I adapt quite quickly. I really like Slovakia and the Slovak people; their mentality is very close to mine. The city of Košice reminds me of the Kyiv of my childhood, the Kyiv of the ’80s, still green and not marred by total overdevelopment.
But a part of my heart will always remain in Ukraine.

After another global extinction or thank you for freeing the planet for us

Tania Stupnikova
After another global extinction or thank you for freeing the planet for us
Acrylic on canvas
80×80 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 795 EUR

As a refugee from war, this issue is very personal to me. Fortunately, I haven’t witnessed the horrors firsthand, and my life remains largely intact except for my place of residence. My family is with me, my cats are with me, and nothing has been destroyed or lost.
Except for my pre-war life.
But my experience isn’t as traumatic as others, so I mostly worry about the larger-scale destruction, about my country. I understand the impact of war not just on people but on the land itself. On the environment, on animals, on entire ecosystems. I know that for many decades, perhaps even centuries, my homeland will be suffering.
This painting reflects my thoughts on what will happen if the war doesn’t end. Humans are not as resilient as we think; we depend on the earth, and we cannot afford to destroy it.

Take care of the cockroaches in your head

Tania Stupnikova
Take care of the cockroaches in your head
Acrylic on canvas
80×80 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 795 EUR

In our culture, we often say that strange people have cockroaches in their heads. While this might have been an insult once, nowadays it’s used to highlight someone’s uniqueness. People often say you should love the cockroaches in your head, meaning that these quirks make you special, make you who you are.
I had painted a piece on this theme before, but I wanted to create a more refined version. This new painting also has a subtle message that another artist pointed out: after we’re gone, our cockroaches remain. In my case, they will stay through my paintings, but everyone has their own cockroaches, and they will remain in their own way.

And let the whole world wait

Tania Stupnikova
And let the whole world wait
Acrylic on canvas
80×80 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 590 EUR

The idea was to paint a beautiful horror without the slightest sense.
But no.
I’m probably tired of the endless horrors and anxieties in life that pour in from all sides. And I’m tired of work too – I adore painting, but the work that goes along with it kills me. Documents, submissions, correspondence, sending parcels… In fact, it’s even pleasant and exciting, but then autumn comes, and you want to stop. Sometimes you just need a little yellow duck – and let the whole world wait.

They also…

Tania Stupnikova
They also…
Acrylic on canvas
60×60 cm x 2 pieces
Košice, Slovakia

From the very beginning, I conceived this picture as a story about otherworldly creatures. I believe that a fairy tale lives somewhere near us, so otherworldly creatures also suffer from calamities, from war and destruction.
But in the end, I still painted my life. The big cat is the embodiment of our older kitty – Ciri. We picked her up on the street seven years ago, and since then she has adopted our daughter and considers her her own. It seems that she thinks that we are at their house, and we need to go somewhere and live our own lives, not to disturb them with our daughter.
And the little kitten looks like our youngest, Jonesy. She was also picked up from the street four years ago, and all these years she has been acting like a silly baby.
They both lost their home for the second time after being thrown out on the street the first time, and they went through the whole difficult journey to Slovakia with us. They sat with us at the station, rode the evacuation train and stood with us in the cold on the foot crossing to Slovakia.
I didn’t plan to draw our cats and our story, but it turned out that way. We are indeed always painting ourselves – even when we are painting something else.
So this story is still about the fact that everyone suffers from war. And they suffer even more, because they do not understand what is happening, what will happen and how to save themselves.

Rule of two walls

Tania Stupnikova
Rule of two walls
Mixed media (acrylic, watercolor pencils) on canvas
65×85 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 550 EUR

Fortunately, these words usually mean nothing to ordinary people. Unfortunately, these words mean a lot to Ukrainians.
In our “soviet” buildings, when there are no bomb shelters (and there are none), then only the rule of two walls can save from a missile. Not always, not in every house – but usually. This rule works when the house has two concrete walls – the outer one and the one in the corridor. Then, if there is no direct hit, there is a chance to survive. Not after every projectile, but there is.
In some houses you can hide in the bathroom – in ours you can’t, in ours it’s a “box” that folds together with you.
So, in fact, a child can only hide in the world of his imagination. In a world where a monster will crawl out from under the bed and hide you from the hostile world.
This picture was created within the framework of the Ukrainian project “UnChildLike world”. We are currently looking for sites and opportunities. So the picture is not for sale yet, but you can order a print, or you can reserve a painting to receive it after the exhibition tour.

Hold your breath

Sofia & Tania Stupnikova
Hold your breath
Acrylic on canvas
60×60 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 450 EUR

This painting was co-authored with my daughter, Sofia. She is an anime fan and I thought: why not? This is a very interesting culture that arose not in an empty place, but on the centuries-old traditions of wise, strong and educated people.
Medusa was born and took on a life of her own – she needed a slightly different style, a slightly different design, a different attitude.
And she came out real, strong and unique. I can’t stop looking at her, she’s really fascinating.
Artists do not love all their paintings equally, but this one will definitely be one of the favorites.
Thank God for children, they give us inspiration not only to live, but also to create something new.


Tania Stupnikova
Mixed media (acrylic, watercolor pencils) on canvas
75×75 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 480 EUR

The image of a wasp devouring a UFO came to me by itself. I am actually very afraid of wasps, but I find them to be very strange and beautiful creatures.
Sometimes horrors are senseless, I don’t like them – it’s usually all mystical and otherworldly. I don’t see the point in it, so I’m bored and I don’t like it. But I really like horror stories about predatory animals – from a ferret to an Alien. Because I understand their logic. In addition to wasp. Some kind of evil and unpleasant insect – it does not like you and stings simply because of a bad mood.
At first, I thought that the wasp would be bad for me.
And then she drew and thought about it – after all, it seems that they are her children, and she protects them. I didn’t think like that when I was painting, but it turns out that way. Often in paintings, the subconscious takes over. So I believe that the wasp in the picture is protecting its babies.

What happens in a fairy circle – stays in a fairy circle

Tania Stupnikova
What happens in a fairy circle – stays in a fairy circle
Mixed media (acrylic, watercolor pencils) on canvas
65×85 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 490 EUR

This abandoned and neglected place is not and should not be a refuge for magical creatures. They lived in their own home, but the disaster drove them out of native place, forcing them to seek shelter. Here they are trapped, cut off from their natural environment.
A swamp witch is standing on a magic stone, focused on summoning magical powers. Forest creatures have gathered around her, they look at the viewer with hope – this is how a street cat looks, who wants to believe that you are the one who will shelter her.
But usually such hopes are in vain.
I wanted to remind about the insurmountable difficulties faced by any creatures separated from their roots and lineage. At the same time, I wanted to show that hope for external help is as futile as the hopes of these creatures.
But I believe that on their own they will surely succeed – one way or another, with or without magic, they will return home – or bring their home to wherever fate has taken them.
If you want to hide them in yourself – write to me.

The Spaghetti Monster Bathing

Tania Stupnikova
The Spaghetti Monster Bathing
Acrylic on canvas
75×75 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 490 EUR

I consider Pastafarianism to be the most exciting religion in the world. It is a “parody” religion founded by Bobby Henderson in 2005 in protest against the Kansas Department of Education’s decision to introduce the concept of “intelligent design” into the school curriculum as an alternative to the teaching of evolution.
The Commandments of the Flying Noodle Monster are called the “Eight “Thou Shalt Not Do This”, and they are truly the most humane and tolerant commandments in the world (in the “new” testament they are slightly different, but still beautiful). If you haven’t already, read them and there will be one more Pastafarian in the world.
The picture is written instead of what we had to leave behind in Ukraine when we fled the war. But the opportunity to celebrate the Flying Macaroni Monster is important, so I paint one more. ))))
For the glory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Ramen!