Tania Stupnikova
The Land of the Free?
Acrylic on canvas
80×80 cm
Košice, Slovakia
Price: 896 EUR
At first, I envisioned this painting as an allusion to the war and its consequences. For people, it’s as natural to protect themselves and their families as it is for an octopus to live in the water.
But as I began studying octopuses to better understand their anatomy and behavior, I discovered that all octopuses sold as food are caught in the wild. Now, the fact that we need to eat other living beings is already a troubling reality, but when we’re capturing intelligent creatures to consume — that’s something we shouldn’t accept.
Octopuses represent an entirely different branch of evolution. Their intelligence is not like ours, and their way of perceiving the world is vastly different too. Yet, we don’t eat creatures like monkeys or dolphins, for instance. So, if a species is intelligent but distinctly “alien” to us, we somehow find it acceptable to consume them.
To me, this challenges the very idea of freedom — especially in a world where we talk so much about rights and liberties, while at the same time stripping them away from other beings.
I hope that anyone who looks at this painting will reflect on their impact on the world around them and understand how crucial it is to respect all forms of life — even those who can’t fight for themselves.