Payment and delivery

All paintings listed in the “In stock” section are available for purchase and reservation. To purchase, you can contact me in any way convenient for you.

All paintings are sold on a 100% prepayment basis.

Installments are available for your convenience. The painting is booked by the buyer until the full installment payment. The maximum installment period is twelve months.

The maximum booking time without using installments is 1 month. If you wish to extend your booking, you must make the first installment payment.

Loyal customers and dedicated collectors are offered VERY big discounts. Collectors who purchase more than 10 paintings are offered discounts of up to thirty percent off the regular price.

Conditions for the sale of paintings may change!


Shipping and taxes are fully paid by the buyer.

To save on shipping, at the request of the buyer, I can remove the picture from the stretcher and send it on a roll.

Please note: some paintings are on non-separable stretchers, in this case I send only the painting in a roll. Those paintings that are stretched on collapsible stretchers can be sent along with the “native” stretcher.

It is often much cheaper to restretch a painting on the spot (for example, in a frame shop) than to ship it on a stretcher.

All details are discussed in personal correspondence.

The appraised value is at the buyer’s discretion and risk.


Return is possible without giving reasons within a week (seven calendar days) from the date of actual receipt of the picture.

Refunds are made after the actual receipt of the return within a week (seven calendar days). The painting must be returned in the same condition in which it was sent.

Paintings painted to order are subject to return on different terms.

Paintings purchased on installment terms can be returned with a partial refund. Depending on the duration of the installment plan, the amount of the refund can vary from 50% to 100%.


Orders for copies as well as works with a specific image are not accepted!!!

Orders are accepted with a free performance on a given topic, which does not contradict the style and taste of the author.

Prepayment of the order is 100%.

If you choose to return a commissioned work, a 50% refund will be given. Return is possible within a week (seven calendar days) from the date of actual receipt of the order.